The Mystery of the Male Libido

One of the body's many wonderful mysteries is the desire to have sex, or libido. Some refer to it as an "existential need," while others refer to it as an "instinctual biological urge." Sex drive is very different for each of us, and each of us has a pretty consistent pattern, similar to how we write. Think of it as a routine that you do in a certain way, like when you eat or breathe. However, regardless of your testosterone levels, your libido can fluctuate throughout the day and even the hour. This is not the case unless your testosterone levels drop very low, in which case your libido would suffer. When to Assess the Slideshow Libido: Dany Baby reviewed Sex-Drive Killers on June 26, 2022. Stress is typically the cause of low sex drive. A significant and ongoing source of stress is the struggle and labor that come with living in the relentless world of today. Additionally, it is pretty evident how stress affects libido. We are not very different from the cave...